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CMAS Trimix Gas Blender -kurssi

Aika: 25.10.-29.11.2024
Paikka: Espoo
Järjestäjä: Nousu ry
Vastuukouluttaja:Rupert Simon

The course will be held in Espoo at Haltijatontuntie 39E and Kilonrinne 1. 

Registration latest on Friday 25.10.24 by 12:00.

You learn in theory and practice about the risks of handling 100% oxygen, how to keep your equipment oxygen clean and compatible, as well as how to mix helium, oxygen, and air to get the desired nitrox and trimix composition. 

In order to participate, you need to be member of the Finnish diver''s Federation and at least be 18 years of age. 

  Kurssin ohjelma
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